Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Regan + Ricky . Charlotte North Carolina Engagement Photographer

Oh, Ricky.  I can still hear my mom saying that whenever my baby brother did something weird.  Mom used to get so upset when he would climb a house, do flips off the side of the couch, pour popcorn on his head just to see what it would be like, or wear the same camouflage pajamas for 2 months straight.  He eventually found something he was allowed to hit without getting in trouble...drums.  That helped, but there was no denying it.  Ricky was one-of-a-kind.  My mom's worry eventually turned into the sigh that we siblings all know so well.  Growing up, I had little patience for his energetic bursts and "childish" games, but as an adult I have grown to respect and love him.  He has helped me feel more comfortable in my own weird skin.  That's something I'll always be grateful for.  He's become an amazing man, super talented musician, and all-around good guy.  Don't get me wrong.  He still climbs things and has energetic bursts.  But they are awesome.

I knew it was going to take someone equally as special (AKA weird) to keep my quirky brother interested.  Enter Regan.  Equally as off beat, Regan is a lovely compliment to Ricky and I couldn't be happier for them during this exciting time in their lives.  Regan and Ricky met up with me during a recent visit to Charlotte, North Carolina, for their engagement session.  We had a great time at Carrigan Farms and The Depot at Gibson Mills running around looking for fun, interesting, different photo opportunities.  Truthfully, it was mostly just great to see them.  We live way too far apart.

I promise there are weirder ones in your full portfolio, little brother.  Cross my heart.  I love you both and can't wait to see you again on your wedding day!


Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! Best. Couple. EVER!

Tiffany Michelle Wishon said...

Beautiful images!
Also, I might add that you have given me a reason to head down to Charlotte in the next few days because this antique shop looks amazing and I thank you for that!

Heidi Miller said...

Love them all!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute idea! My husband and I were there a couple of weeks ago and actually bought the Michigan pennant that is in one of the pics!

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